Saturday, June 18, 2011

Historical Society Honors

photo by Rachel Jenkins

left to right: Barbara Middleton and Marissa Middleton, Brandon Thomas (His senior citizen was
Paul Nicholson.), Jolene Rule and Braden Swisher, Zach Johnson and Carolyn Johnson, and
Lisa Stout, representing Greentown Historical Society.

   Eastern’s 7th grade students participated in the annual project, “History Close to Home: A Living Biography” in which they interviewed a senior citizen of their choice.  Social studies teacher, Brad Shrock, stated, “Our history lives in our parents, grandparents, friends and acquaintances, and beyond, and it is our responsibility to demonstrate personal involvement with an age group that has so much to give.  The sayings, ‘history repeats itself’ and ‘history is alive,’ mean very little in print, but when we are exposed to living examples we can more easily see a connection and make appropriate adjustments for the future.  People, faces, names and places make our history meaningful.”
   The Greentown Historical Society selected four biographies for
special recognition for their quality and local interest.  Winners were Marissa Middleton, who interviewed her grandmother, Barbara Middleton; Branden Thomas, who interviewed a former teacher, Paul Nicholson; Braden Swisher, who  interviewed his grandmother, Jolene Rule; and  Zach Johnson, who interviewed his grandmother, Carolyn Johnson.

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