Monday, June 13, 2011

Green Lantern Visits Eastern Elementary

Photo by Rachel Jenkins
Green Lantern Visits Eastern Elementary                                      

The Green Lantern, aka County Commissioner Tyler Moore,
joined Ella Jane Kantz and her father, Mike Kantz in a walk
to school on Friday, April 29. 

     It all started with a challenge from the Howard County Commissioners.  In observance of the twin events in April, National County Government Month and Earth Day, the commissioners stated that they would like all students in Howard County to show their support for Earth Day by wearing green on Wednesday, April 20th.  Eastern Elementary Assistant Principal, Mike Kantz, said this should be a shoe-in for Eastern, since all students probably have green clothing since it is one of the school colors.  Mr. Kantz added to the challenge by stating that if the students all wore green, he would walk to and from school for 5 days (not necessarily consecutively).  The school corporation also said they would provide ice cream to all.
   Commissioner Tyler Moore just happens to have a Green Lantern costume and offered to accompany Mr. Kantz on one of his walks to school if the students met the challenge.  The students rose to the challenge and wore green on the appointed day.  The date of the appearance of the Green Lantern was postponed due to weather and other considerations.  On the morning of April 29, he escorted Ella Jane Kantz, who lives in Willow Glen, and her father, Mike, to school.  The unique “parade” started from Crow Pass and headed west along US35/SR22.  Mike observed that, “This was the most difficult part of the walk because no sidewalks connect Willow Glen to the residential streets of Greentown.” 
   The trio brought smiles, waves and beeps from horns from passing cars.  Passers-by included a school board member, some teachers and several Eastern alumni.  One kindergartner joined in for the final approach to the school.   

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