Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wind Turbine - What is best for the School and its Neighbors?

Submitted by Jeff and Susie Cox
 We have lived in Greentown over thirty years and enjoyed the peace and quiet of small town living. We raised our sons here, they are Eastern graduates.  We have always supported the school through sports and band. I (Susie) truly enjoyed working at the elementary for twenty years until my retirement. 
   Thirty-one people attended our informational meeting, representing 27 households, most opposing the proposed site for the wind turbine. We all want to do our part to go “Green” for the sake of our children and their future, but not at the expense of those living nearby. We do not object to Eastern School Corporation
having a wind turbine. We do object to them trying to subvert the Howard County zoning ordinance already in place, which states large wind turbines may not be erected less than one mile from a municipality. Zoning ordinances are put in place for the safety of people. Studies have shown
problems arise when industrial wind turbines are put too close to where people live and work.
   We are gathering signatures on a petition asking there be no wind turbines erected closer than 1 1/4 mile to any residence in Greentown. Residents who live close enough to be affected by the proposed turbine should have the right to be heard on the subject. We’re the ones who would have to live with the “annoyance issues-noise and flicker” which other schools have said are the only problems they’ve heard.
   Noise, shadow-flicker, ice throwing, and other safety issues will directly affect those living nearest. Those who will see the turbine from a distance will not have the same experience. There is also the matter of property values. Professional realtors will tell you many prospective buyers do not wish to live near industrial wind turbines.
   Wind energy is a relatively new industry which is growing rapidly thanks to federal subsidies. Actual savings over the long term remain to be seen, as well as the true useful life of these giant structures.
   It’s our hope the school board and community can work together

1 comment:

  1. Windmills have been in existence since 200 B.C. They have been in the U.S. since 1887. Around WWI over 100,000 wind mills were produced yearly, mostly to for water-pumpimg. In the 1930's wind generators for electricity were common for areas without electrical distribution.
    I welcome the wind turbine and I live a block away. For years we have been held prisoner to fossil fuels and have done little to change it. I applaud the steps the school board are taking and am proud of the decision.
    I hear that property values will go down. In the last 8 years my property value has done just that and there was no wind turbine to blame.
    I have not lived here for 30 years yet. But intend to live here until the Good Lord calls me. I have two sons who go to the Middl and High school. They are active and volunteer in school, sports and church events.
    They see the wind turbine as a step in the right direction for the future. And I agree totally with them.
    There are said to be 90 that have signed a petition against the wind turbine. Last time I checked there were 2500 people in Greentown. I do not see where the School board is splitting the town in half. 2400 to 100 is not in half.
    Lets stop the talking and get it done for once.
