Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Spirit of Giving

 Ashley Lowery and Kristen Cottrell wrap packages to be delivered 
to make someone's Christmas Day brighter.
James Hibschman, Austin Day and Pat Hight put the finishing touches on a gift.

                                                             photos by Rachel Jenkins
      The Greentown Wesleyan Church was a-buzz with activity Friday evening, Dec. 23.  Pre-planning and organization was evident as some were wrapping gifts, some were filling food boxes, and some were carrying boxes to waiting trucks.  It was an inter-generational effort, involving adults and children of all ages. 
   Dick Bryan, committee member, wrote, “Once again the Greentown Wesleyan Church reached out to our community by helping 34 families in the area to celebrate Christmas.  There are many families who are affected by unemployment, the economy of the times, and personal situations and circumstances.  They need to know someone cares, not only a church, but one of a higher level, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate at this time of year.     
   This past year involved a concerted effort of the various ages and attendees of the church.  Thanks to the generosity of the membership, local community and other anonymous contributors, the church was able to touch people in a special way.  In recognition of Christmas the church was able to provide food, clothing, and gifts.  Children also received their own stuffed stocking.  The church gratefully thanks the community for all their support.”

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