Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Flash Backs
Gleaned from the Howard County News

January 1953

St. Sign Order Placed by V.F.C.
   Purchase order for street signs for all intersections within corporate limits of Greentown has been placed by the Volunteer Fire Company, it was announced today.
Officials Rehired by Town Board
   Hiring of officials and employees for the new year and payment of 1952 bills headed the agenda for the town boards regular meeting in the Civic Center last night.
    Rehired by unanimous vote of members present were John L. Harper, town marshal: Bert Owens, street maintenance, and LeRoy Lacey, Jr., town attorney.
   Harper was rehired at $3850 for the twelve month period:  Owens at $60 per month, and Lacey at $100 for the year.

Further Study Decided Upon
   Nothing like having the bull by the tail -- and with the boundary line question, the Town Board seems to have latched onto a big one.
   Action Wednesday night saw another postponement on the adoption of the survey and plat drawn up a few months ago and then tabled and re--tabled.
   Formal motion as passed by the board was "to postpone the establishing of the survey and plan until the county records, and if necessary, records at the State House in Indianapolis, are searched further to determine status of corporation lines."
   Consensus of opinion of both board members and interested parties who attended the meeting was that present status of the lines is elusive.
   The number of property owners affected by the proposed plat are nearly unanimous in the stand "to include me out."
January 1973

Teacher Group Asks Change in Corporal Punishment Policy
   A hearing on a requested change in existing policy covering corporal punishment will be held at the Eastern School Board meeting, at 7:30 Tuesday in the team teaching room.  The meeting will be open to the board of school trustees and all interested patrons.
   A group of elementary teachers objecting to corporal punishment being given in the principal's office has requested the change.  Teachers in the group desire to give the punishment whenever and wherever they desire.

January 1983

Midway Change Switches HC Fair Dates
   Howard County residents heading for the 4-H fairground in early August this year will be in for a surprise.  They'll have missed the fair.
   The 1983 event will be held July 24-30, a week earlier than the normal August dates, said fair chairman Melvin Hall.
   "The main reason it was moved was in order to get the quality midway we thought we needed," Hall said.  "There aren't many midways big enough or high-quality enough to handle our fair anymore."
   Pugh Amusements of Lancaster, Ohio, will supply the Howard County 4-H Fair's midway this summer, replacing Deggeller Attractions of Sarasota, Fla.  The Ohio amusement company provided the midway in 1978 and 1979, but was replaced by Deggeller in 1980.  In 1981, Johnny's United Shows of Tampa, Fla., was responsible for the rides and midway booths, but Deggeller was back again last year.
   "The rides looked like they were ready for the antique show," said fair secretary Phil Hood after the 1982 event.  "It just wasn't up to our standards."
   Hood said Bob Pugh's amusement company is one of the largest ones in the business today.  "We're supposed to have a state fair-type midway (this year)," Hood said.  Immediately following Howard County's fair, Pugh will take his midway to the Ohio State Fair.

Honored by Jaycees
   Dennis Maple, 12561 E. Road 300 North was named Outstanding Young Farmer of the Year last week by the Kokomo Jaycees.
   The rural Greentown resident was one of five Howard County men to receive awards as Outstanding Young Men of the Year.
   Other winners include Bruce Gordon Parkinson, Outstanding Hoosier, Steven R. Barton, Outstand Law Enforcement Officer, Jack Mellinger, Outstanding Firefighter, and Jon Russell, Outstanding Businessman.

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