Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Deyoe Elected President
   Scott Deyoe will lead the Greentown Town Council for the year 2013.  The annual election of officers took place at the Jan. 1 regular meeting of the council.  Dan Adams was elected Vice President.  The other members of the council are Todd Everling, Scott Flick, and Joyce Higginbottom.
   The council voted to schedule two regular meetings per month for the year, beginning in February.  The meetings will be the first and the third Tuesdays, at 7:30 p.m.  The second meeting will give more time for attention to the ongoing wastewater treatment plant upgrade and will allow for three readings of ordinances in a more timely manner when there is a deadline.  If the meeting on the third Tuesday is not needed, a cancellation notice will be posted in the window of the utility office.

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