Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tom Moor - 18 Gallon Donor

Tom Moor first donated blood when he was in the Navy.  He then donated when there were blood drives at Delco.  He now is a regular at the Red Cross Blood Drive, held every two months, at the Greentown Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.  Tom recently received a pin for reaching the 18 gallon donation mark.  Tom says he gives because “It’s needed.”  Susie Weaver, Kokomo District Manager for the Red Cross, explains that each donation can save 3 lives.  There is a constant need, due to accidents, surgeries, and cancer patients. 
    Ginny Jones is another person who knows the value of having a dependable blood supply.  Her husband was given 83 pints of blood in connection with his liver transplant.  She has  been a regular donor and has donated seven gallons so far.  Because of her commitment, she is the coordinator between the church and the Red Cross for the blood drives.
    The next visit of the Bloodmobile to the Greentown site will be Dec. 17.  Call 1-800-773-2767 to schedule a donation or just drop in between 1:00 and 6:00.

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