Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sewage Rates to be Raised

  With the planned upgrade to Greentown’s wastewater treatment plant, sewage rates will undoubtedly go up.  The 5.5 million dollar project will be financed with a bond issue at 2% for 20 years.  If it qualifies as a green project, there will be a reduction in the interest rate.  Doug Baldessari and Brittany Dollar of H.J. Umbaugh and Associates, Certified Public Accountants, were at the October 2 Town Council meeting to present their preliminary findings on a rate study.  Their study shows a needed rate increase of up to 35%, with the statement that the rate may be revised when the bids come in.  Construction bids were opened on October 9, ranging from $5,146,000 to $6,346,000.  These were taken under advisement to be considered at the November 6 Council meeting.
   The state put Greentown on a ban which does not allow new sewer hookups.  This ban is due in part to excessive by-passes which allow raw sewage to enter Wildcat Creek.  Council president, Joyce Higginbottom, says, “The current plant is too small for our current or any future needs and will not handle heavy wet weather events, which are the main reason for a by-pass.” Council member, Scott Deyoe, wanted it made clear that wastewater and water services are not funded by tax dollars but by the users. 
   The Council voted to pay Umbaugh and Associates not over $30,000 for doing the rate study.

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