Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Teachers Retire

Teachers Retire After Many Years at Eastern
   Eastern Elementary School is saying “good-bye” to four teachers and two paraprofessionals at the end of the 2011-2012 school year.  Retiring teachers, with years at Eastern, are Bobette Harper (35), Ruth Shaw (38), Monty Maggart (39), and Paul Nicholson (43).  Sharon Colglazier has been at Eastern 23 years, 10 as a teacher, 9 as an aide and 4 as special ed secretary.  Sally Imbler has been an aide for 11 years after teaching for 21 years.
   All noted a significant change being the use of technology.  Bobette Harper commented that she started with calculators and now every student has access to a personal device.  Monty Maggart states that constant need for stimulus from devices has led to shorter attention span.  Other changes noted by some are in approach to discipline and more testing.
   Several accomplishments stand out which the teachers will take with them as fond memories.  Paul Nicholson lists the annual Veterans Day program which he coordinated for over 20 years, sponsoring the National Current Events Club which won two national championships among the 200+ schools involved, and co-sponsoring the Math Bowl Team with Monty Maggart.  Bobette Harper’s  highlights include making presentations at the Hoosier Association of Science Teachers convention and being listed in Who’s Who of American Teachers upon a nomination from a former student.  Ruth Shaw found satisfaction in helping students understand concepts and helping them with personal problems.  Sharon Colglazier was honored to be the first Reading Recovery teacher at Eastern.  Monty Maggart listed state Teacher of the Year Award, being nominated twice for Presidential Award in Excellence in Math and Science, Lilly grant recipient for development of curriculum, and Walmart Teacher of the Year.
   As for advice for younger teachers, Shaw says to build relationships with the children and to “review and remediate.”  Harper extends that to building strong support bonds with colleagues.  She also says to allow for the unlimited differences in students.  Nicholson says, “Our children are living messages we send to a time and place we will never see.”  Maggart says to be proactive to what is happening in education reform at federal, state, and local levels.
   Future plans include (variously) time with family, hobbies, travel, being of continuing service, and continuing to be a Comet supporter.
   Jill Howell is retiring from the Junior High after 15 years at Eastern.  Greg Dryer, Director of Facilities,  retired at the end of the first semester after 15 years at Eastern.

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