Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Flash Backs
Gleaned From the Howard County News

June 1952

Mrs. Dillon is Hit on Television Show

   Mrs. Florence Dillon, owner of the Dillon Tourist Home, made her debut on television last Monday and "just about stole the show" according to informed sources.
   Hailed as "one of the most relaxed and entertaining persons we have ever had on a program," Mrs. Dillon appeared on the weekly TV program of Kokomo merchants as guest of Joe Etter and John Cook, J. and J. Appliance Store.
   What was it like?  Mrs. Dillon said she "just answered their questions and gave them some gossip and things I enjoy."
   It was a very nice experience, she said, even if "the temperature was in the 90's on the drive down and we had a flat tire."

J.C. Mallott Buys Nancy Ann Gift Shop

   Purchase of the Nancy Ann Gift Shop from Mrs. Naomi Currens was announced today by Jean Malott, local watchmaker.
   Malott has done watch repair work in the shop since it originally opened on Grant Street in December of 1950.  The business moved to its present location on Main Street last November.
   Prior to coming to Greentown, Malott did watch repair work in Marion.  He is a graduate of the Kansas City School of Watchmaking.
   Married and the father of three children, he served three years with the U.S. Navy during World War II.

Local Summer Activities Begin This Week-end

   Summer "money saving values" begin in Greentown this week with weekly Saturday Specials being offered by town merchants.
   Weekly band concerts will be held every Thursday night, and softball and hardball schedules will be announced.
   To continue through the summer months, the Saturday "bargain nights" will feature specials by most local merchants--the item or items to be placed at reduced cost for that night only.
   Band concerts will be held on Thursday.  A new band stand is being erected and will be located on Meridian Street near the Main Street intersection.
   The combined Eastern Howard Junior and Senior High School bands, under the direction of Vernon Crouch, will play.  On the programs will be "old-time favorites" and special numbers selected during the season.
   All activities are sponsored by the Greentown Business and Professional Men's Association.

June 1972

Good Deal!

   It may not be breakfast in bed, but it's a pretty good deal, anyway.
   That's the general appraisal of the Festival Breakfasts planned this year at the Hi-Way Café for Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings of Greentown Glass Festival Week.
   Mr. and Mrs. Max Hensler are serving as chairmen for the event, which is new on the festival program, and Max reports the breakfast will be held buffet style.
   "It will be ready when you arrive," he said.  "This will mean no waiting."
   Hensler pointed out this will make it easy for people on their way to work in factories to have a good breakfast and help the festival at the same time.
   Cost of the help-yourself breakfast is $1.25 and that includes all you can eat of sausage, eggs, pancakes, coffee or milk.
   All profits go to the Greentown Glass Museum.  The Hi-Way Café is donating its facilities and equipment and all workers are festival volunteers.

Mary's Coiffures Open for Business

   Mary Alice Dyche has purchased Noel's Coiffures at 113 W. Main, Greentown, and renamed the business Mary's Coiffures.
   Mrs. Dyche, a Kokomo resident, has named Judy Kendall as the shop's operator.
   Born in Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Dyche has 20 years experience in the coiffure business, the last three have been at Noel's.

Spelling Contest Winners Named

   Winners of fourth and fifth grade spelling contests were released this week by Greentown Elementary principal Francis Echelbarger.
   In fourth grade competition, Amy Powell took first place, Kim Brooks was second, and Lori Birdsong was third.
   Other contestants included:  Donna Lamb, Sheryl Lorenz, Nick Hipp, Pam Cronan, Ronnie Reed, Annie Wyrick, Krystal Brubaker, Keith Zook and Jean Smith.
   Contestants were chosen on the basis of three from each of the fourth grade classes taught by Mrs. Margaret Knote, Mrs. Dorothy Hall, Mrs. Jane Eldridge and Dean Langford.
   In fifth grade competition, Lori Gunter won first place ahead of Mark Lyons and Robin King.
   Other contestants were: Michael Wright, Shelly Roberts, Susan Spangler, Melinda Gibson, Rhota Sommers, Lisa McKibben, Jeff Hamilton, Mindy Butler and Tonja Mohr.
   Fifth grade students were chosen from the classes of Mrs. Bertha Kistler, Robert Rowe, Paul Nicholson and Mrs. Phyllis Warnock.

June 1982

Flag Pole Pizza Shoppe Bought by Elwood Family

   Circle Pizza Inc., a family-owned corporation based in Elwood, has purchased Flag Pole Pizza Shoppe, 119 N. Meridian St.
   Jerry Collins, president of the corporation, bought the business from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hedge of Kokomo late last month.
   The Elwood pizza restaurant owned by Collins and his family has been in business 24 years and is the oldest restaurant of its kind in that city.  Circle Pizza Inc. owns similar shops in Alexandria and Frankton, and the family also operates Collins' Taxidermy in Elwood, the largest taxidermy business in Indiana.
   "We'll be loading this place up with (stuffed or mounted) American animals," Collins said, explaining one of the changes to be made in the restaurant and its decor.
   Other changes planned are new flooring, air conditioning in the dining room, free home delivery, and the addition of a wide variety of sandwiches and Italian dishes, a french fryer and a chicken broaster.  "And we plan a few added surprises for the grand opening," Collins said.
   Andrea Becker will manage the business and Mark Rogers will serve as supervisor.  Other employees will be Mitchell Roberts and Michelle Becker.  In addition, Collins said he is looking for another part-time employee and two drivers to deliver pizzas.

Girls League Dropped

   There will be no formal Greentown Women's Recreational Softball League this summer.   Becky Middleton, who has acted as director of the league since its formation three years ago, said a coach for the third team just couldn't be found in time.
   Instead, the two existing teams will meet informally on Sunday afternoons and will be seeking other area women's teams against which they can pit their skills.  There will be no fees this year.

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