Friday, May 4, 2012

All Eastern Students, Grades K-8 to be Given iPads

   The Eastern Howard School Corporation (EHSC) has announced that all students in grades K-8 will be given iPads for home and school use beginning in the 2012-13 school year. An iPad is a tablet computer designed and marketed by Apple Inc., primarily as a platform for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games, apps (applications) and web content. Its size and weight fall between those of contemporary smartphones and laptop computers. 
   The devices will be leased on a 3-year cycle and will remain the property of the school.  At a cost of about $500 each for 1,000 students, the total cost will be $500,000 and will be paid from a combination of funds, including technology funds, common school loans, and technology fees.  These are funds that can only be spent on technology and capital improvements which is separate from the general fund which is used to pay for teacher salaries and benefits.
   Elementary Principal, Randy Maurer, emphasized at the board meeting that iPads will not replace teachers.  He said, “iPads are a tool which puts all students on the same playing field.  Learning can be accelerated because students can look up topics immediately.”  In answer to a question about homes which do not have internet access, Mr. Maurer said that some apps are not internet dependent.  To address the concern that the devices may get broken, Technology Director, Dennis Bagley, said they are looking into protective cases.  There will be a required parent meeting before the iPads can be taken home.
   “The iPad is a personal library, a video and audio device, a writing tablet, and a digital platform designed to give students the opportunity to communicate using digital devices and applications.  Much like calculators were once thought to be a novel item for students but are now critical for a student’s learning iPads will eventually replace computer labs and desk computing in school”, said Dr. Tracy Caddell, school superintendent. “We want to eventually provide every student a mobile device and with this announcement we are moving closer to our goal.  The school board is making an investment in our children and we are very excited to fully integrate technology into a 1:1 learning environment.”

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