Friday, May 4, 2012

100 Trees Planted as Eagle Project

                                                              photo by Rachel Jenkins

Boy Scout Josh Beachy, Eagle candidate Joel Mohring, and
Greentown Lion Mark Everling plant a tree at the residence of
John and Jodi Russell.

   Boy Scout Joel Mohring was looking for a service project as part of the requirements for the rank of Eagle.  Greentown Lions Club President, Mark Everling, was looking for a way for the local club to meet a challenge from the International Lions President, Wing-Kun Tam, for Lions to plant one million trees around the world.  The two needs provided a perfect match.  The Lions Club purchased 100 red maple and white oak trees, top soil and fertilizer.  A notice was placed in the Greentown Grapevine about the availability of the trees.  Joel organized the work days, providing food and water purchased out of the troop account, and arranging for shovels. 
   The first work day was cut short by rain and Joel emailed or phoned volunteers to reschedule.  Members of Boy Scout Troop #528, scout leaders and members of the Greentown Lions Club helped with the planting at twelve homes in the area. 
   One home was that of John and Jodi Russell.  They lost 38 trees in the tornado of 1998 and, prior to that, much of their four acres had been cleared of trees and brush.  John has planted about 200 trees and notices the return of wildlife such as eastern bluebird, deer, coyote and fox.  The additional trees will further his effort to make his property welcoming to wildlife along Wildcat Creek.  He plans to add brush and berry bushes, especially attractive to birds. 
   The Lions International goal has been far exceeded, with over eight million trees planted worldwide so far. 

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