Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Local Youth Group Overcomes Hunger With Love

submitted by Mallory Bitterman, EHS Senior

  Making a difference doesn't have to involve traveling all around the world, just ask the First United Methodist's Youth Group.   Inspired by  1 John 3:18 which says, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth," the teens will take action.  The youth group, Stonewall  Ministries, will be doing an event called "Thirty Hour Famine".  Through World Vision, they will be fasting for thirty hours and raising funds to help starving children throughout the world. 
   The students came up with a group goal of $4,500, with some individuals setting personal goals as high as $1,000.  Approximately twenty senior high youth have committed to raising at least thirty dollars each.  Thirty dollars feeds one child for one month, dividing down to about a dollar every day for one
month.  Every day as many as
11,000 kids die from hunger and related causes.  Many starve and the ones who are lucky enough to survive are extremely malnourished. 
   The youth have a good start on fundraising, and will end this fundraiser Feb 24-25 by having a lock-in at their church where they will fast for thirty hours to get a feel for what they are helping prevent. 
   If you would like to help Stonewall Ministries reach their goal, you may make a check out to World Vision and drop it off at the Greentown First United Methodist Church office, 124 S. Green Street, Greentown, or mail to First United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 196, Greentown, IN 46936.  Donations are tax deductible.  Anything is greatly appreciated.  Together, what can we do to make a difference?
   Questions can be directed to Mark Slusher, 860-8538.

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