Saturday, December 10, 2011

Eagle Project Adds to Comet Trail

                                                                                                                  photo by Rachel Jenkins

   In the photo above are: Jolene Rule, Parks & Trails Chairman; Monty Maggart, Eastern
   Elementary science teacher; Eagle Scout, Austin Mitts; and Mary Miller, member of Parks and
   Trails committee.  The group is standing behind the #5 post.

Austin Mitts, Boy Scout Troop 528's newest Eagle, completed his project in June and was recognized at a Court of Honor on Oct. 18.  He selected 10 trees on the Comet Trail in Greentown and researched them.  The project includes identification posts, painted green, with yellow numbers 1 - 10.  The portion of the trail involved is from Meridian Street to Harrison Street.  The trees are honey locust, silver maple, basswood, white pine, red oak, walnut, jack pine, butternut, hackberry, and red mulberry.  A brochure with information about the trees is available at the Greentown libraries and at City Hall.

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