Saturday, December 10, 2011

Carolyn Johnson Elected Clerk-Treasurer

   In a quiet Greentown election with no visible campaigning, Carolyn Johnson received 67 votes to Holly Hord-Melton’s 46, making her the Greentown Clerk-Treasurer for a 4 year term, 2012 - 2015. 
   The office has been in a bit of flux the past few months.  Barbara Middleton resigned, effective June 30, 2011.  April Herglund became Clerk-Treasurer by the process of a caucus of the Howard County Republican Party.  She was the only person to file for the open seat.  When Carolyn Johnson and Herglund, both Republicans, filed to be on the ballot in November, a convention of Greentown Republicans was held and Johnson became the candidate.  Herglund resigned, effective Oct. 28, and Council President Joyce Higginbottom appointed Joyce Flick to the position since there was not enough time before the November 8 election date to call a caucus.  It was imperative that there be an acting Clerk-Treasurer to fulfill the necessary post of  one of 3 members of the Election Board.  Johnson’s election on Nov. 8 does not take effect until Jan. 1, 2012, therefore, Craig Dunn, Howard County Republican Party Chairman, called a caucus which elected Johnson to the seat for the remainder of 2011.
   Ed. Note: Now, who’s on first?  Only Abbott and Costello fans will understand.

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