Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Students to Recreate Portions
of Lincoln - Douglas Debates

   While most people know the name “Lincoln-Douglas Debates,” it’s fair to say that many don’t know a lot about them.  In fact, it’s a common misconception that the debates were Presidential debates.  While Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas did oppose each other in the four-way contested presidential election of 1860, their famous debates occurred two years prior when Lincoln challenged incumbent Senator Douglas in his Illinois re-election bid.
   There were seven debates (one in each of Illinois’ seven congressional districts) with each one lasting several hours – much different than the media-driven versions we see today.  By challenging the nationally known Douglas to defend his slavery policy of popular sovereignty (letting the individual territories decide for themselves), with his dry wit and self-deprecating humor, the relatively unknown Abraham Lincoln became a household name.
   Four Eastern High School students, Riley Smith, Sarah Wagner, Josh Keith, and Jonah Evans, will perform select portions of the famous exchanges at the Greentown Historical Society, 103 E. Main Street, on Sunday, October 21, at 2:00 p.m. The students are enrolled in the AP Government and Politics class taught by Peter Heck. 
   The free program is open to the public.  The facility is handicap accessible.
   The presentation will be repeated at the annual meeting of the Greentown Historical Society, which will be Thursday, November 1, 2012, 6:00 p.m. at the Community Building at the Howard County Fairgrounds.  The cost of the catered meal is $15.00.  Call Karen Swan, 765-628-3565, for reservations by October 25.

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