Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Flashbacks from Howard County News

August 1952

Around the Town Pump

   Looking at the proceedings going on down at the Memorial Park and Eastern High School grounds from a women's angle, brings one such woman to a single conclusion!  The displays to be viewed at the 1952 Howard County 4-H Fair, are enough to make many a hard-working housewife drool with envy!
   Comfort in the home is no longer an item of the future.  It's here!  Gleaming white appliances for saving time and labor, fill the largest of the display tents---electric stoves, washers, hot water heaters, refrigerators, ironers and the latest of appliances, the deep freeze.
   For color in the modern home, the housewife may view luxurious carpets, colorful linoleum tile, cool-looking awnings, and heating units that look like another attractive piece of furniture instead of the old-fashioned, much abhorred heating stove.
   The variation of models and makes in the latest of that home entertainment feature, the TV set, speaks well for the steady improvements being made in this field.  Yes, the home-maker can find plenty over which to drool at the merchandise display exhibits.

Average Income Rate Reaches $1,678 Level

   The Commerce Department has reported that the average income in the United States reached a $1,678 annual level in May.  That is, if the rate of personal income continues all year at the May level, the average income will be $1,678 a year.

August 1972

Misses McGuire, Land Win First Places At Indiana State Fair

   Pam McGuire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGuire, and Ellen Land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Land, Kokomo, Rt.4, placed first in senior duets twirling contest at the Indiana State Fair.
   Ellen also placed first in 15 year old advanced strutting.
   The girls recently enjoyed a week in Buffalo, N.Y. attending United States Twirling Association Grand National.  Ellen placed 8th in 15 year old strutting competition in a group of 31 contestants.
   Additional award winners at the Indiana State Fair have been - 4-H Dress Revue - Dress-up Outfits, Janet Howell Rt.2 Greentown, blue ribbon; Foods VI Choice of a baked product, Cindy Bolinger, Rt.1 Greentown; Swine, Pure-bred market Barrow class, single barrow, 211-240 lbs. Tom Howell and family.

Dedaker Named Eastern Assistant Football Coach

   Robert Dedaker, a 1968 graduate of Eastern's biggest MIC rival, Oak Hill High School, will be helping guide the Comets' football fortunes next season.
   Dedaker, who graduated from DePauw University, Greencastle, in May of this year, was hired at a recent meeting of the Eastern School Board to fill the vacancy created when Willard Rice was named head coach of the Eastern gridiron squad.
   Dedaker holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in physical education and social studies and is attending classes at Indiana State University, Terre Haute, this summer.
   He participated in college baseball for four years and football for two years at DePauw.  His younger brother, Gary, was a member of the 1971 Oak Hill basketball sectional and regional championship team.

Greentown Gems

 Mrs. Eli Harvey brought in a head of cabbage weighing 20 pounds, and it was almost more than she could reach around.  The cabbage was grown by Enos Harvey of near Marion.
   HOW'S THIS FOR a fish story?  Don Miller was in his boat with his family on the reservoir.  He was near the bridge and the shoreline just south of the high school.
   A two-pound largemouth bass jumped into his boat!
  SPEAKING about making Greentown an attractive place to live, reminds us of our thought expressed in this paper when we entered the 1970's.  In looking to the new decade, we expressed hope some public-spirited citizen would donate a piece of land near the center of town to be made into a public plaza.
   It could have trees and a fountain and park benches.  The plaza would add much to the attractiveness of the community a pleasant and beautiful gift that would be remembered and enjoyed by future generations.

August 1982

Town Board Rezones Lot for New Lodge Building

   Greentown's trustees voted unanimously Tuesday night to rezone property owned by Greentown Masonic Lodge No. 341 so the organization can continue construction of its new building.
  Acting on the recommendation of the town's Plan Commission, which met prior to the regular trustees' meeting, the board agreed to rezone the 102-by-390-foot lot from industrial to residential 4.  The lot is located at 625 E. Payton St. directly across from the Howard County 4-H Fairground.
   Under the new zoning, the lodge will construct its new building as a "private club not providing hotel service and not conducted for gain."  The old zoning permitted only industrial buildings to be on the property.

Panda Vans Will Move

   Panda Vans, 125 N. Meridian St., is moving out of town to a new location.  Owner Gary Duncan said the new facilities on the northeast corner of Ind. 19 and Ind. 22 will offer the business more space and greater accessibility.

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