Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Learning What Lives in the Creek

                                                                photo by Rachel Jenkins
 One of the stops on the conservation tour sponsored by the Howard County Soil and Water Conservation District involved looking for macro invertebrates (bugs in the creek). The tour was held at the Shane Campbell farm September 21. Before venturing into the water or the water’s edge, participants looked at pictures of what they might find. 
   Left to right, Paul Marcellino, Ag and Natural Resource Educator for Purdue Extension of Howard County; Sarah Brichford, Field Technician for the Howard County Stormwater District; Steve Christiansen, Marketing and Education Specialist for the Howard County Stormwater District.  Mike Delagrange is holding his daughter Caitlyn Delagrange.
   Other stops on the tour included timber stand improvement and sales, tree establishment and invasive species, warm season grasses, and wildlife habitat.

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